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Hi, I am very interested of this document but there is an error.

The attached file is a txt instead of a pdf, and opening the txt, it contains a lot of meta data etc. Would you please upload the correct format? 

Thank you


(1 edit)

I am so sorry about this. One should never make changes at 2AM. Fixed! The txt file was just a wrong file I uploaded

Thank you very much! 

(3 edits)

Hi, I red it and it looks great, now I have to try it in play.

May I suggest you to change 3 lines in the document? 

1st page: 1.Propose a scene, then roll Scene Designer Expectation Checker to verify it,...

2nd page: In the scene 1 and 4 has to be written like in Scene 2 and 3: Scene Designer ->... and Scene Challenge Designer ->...

Thank you

Good job.

Very appreciated that you took the time to point out this errata. I've been doing short edits during travel, also playing with it :) thanks