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(1 edit)

I got around to re-playing this game tonight and it's still got my interest.
I am very curious to see where the story goes.

I have one bug and couple complaints about the combat system:

Bug:  When I have low hit points and I hover over the auto fight button, it shows -2 or -3.
Since this number indicates how many of this battle you need to do, to be able to do the auto battle, there shouldn't be any number showing up.

It DOES say low hitpoints in the hovertext, when you mouse over.

This leads to the first problem with combat:

The auto combat doesn't even come close to being accurate.

it seems to completely ignore the fact that I can block ALL damage from enemies and ignores the healing ability my char has.

I can fight 3 centipedes in real time and come out within 5 hitpoints of what I started, but when I do auto battle I have around 20 hitpoints left from full.
It is infuriating!


bleed, poison, stun, etc should not be able to apply if ALL physical damage was blocked.

This just makes sense... if a wolf's teeth never touch your skin, it can't rip open a wound to bleed.
If a spider can't chomp you, it can't inject it's venom.
If a boar, etc can't hit you, it's not going to be able to stun you.

First boss' torso can attack like a weapon. O.o
this makes no sense..... should only be arms that can each attack and torso can cast the spell.
Each arm lost should lose it an attack, leave it only the defence spell with the torso.

Keep up the good work! :-)

Thank you very much for this review.