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Just pickingup this VN again after a bit of a hiatus, and I'm just wondering are the stat bonuses explained anywhere? Some of them seem self-explanatory (the "[character] love/friendship +1" seems to just be your standard relationship progression and the "confident/shy +1" appears to be primarily for dialogue changes), but I'm not really sure what the strength, agility, endurance, intelligence, and corruption stats are actually modifying. 

General gaming knowledge makes me think strength is the damage of basic attacks and intelligence will be spell damage, but agility could be anything from basic attack accuracy (if that's not covered by strength), to dodge chance, to combat order, to skill power (not to mention corruption could be practically anything).  So I was just curious as to whether these were explained somewhere at all (I'm also assuming there's no way to check current values for each of these things in-game).


I imagine corruption will affect either the ending you get with high corruption leading to more evil endings or high corruption will give you access to more NSFW scenes later on.