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Despite the flaws I ran into while playing the game, I thought it was a lot of fun! Would love to see this expanded on!

Bummer you didn't make the deadline

Hi Jordan! Thanks for taking the time to review my little game.

I think the freeze at the end is caused by a bug in the latest firmware. 

Thanks for confirming it’s possible to get stuck in an infinite bouncing loop. I’ll fix this in an update, so if the ball’s been in motion for more than X seconds it’ll offer you a drop shot.

I’ll also add some instructions. If you hold the B button or any direction on the d-pad while cranking, it’ll adjust the force of your shot.

Thanks again for checking this out. Your channel is great and I’ve subscribed.

Also, I’ve got a totally rewritten, much expanded and improved minigolf game to a playable state. Currently adding and testing levels and polishing the graphics.