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I think the best way to make fresh and interesting levels is to mix all your concepts in different ways together. If you have a bunch of cool ideas but seperate each into its own level, things can get boring quick. By making a level to introduce an idea, then mixing it up with ideas the player is already familiar with, stuff you found boring in playtesting can become really quite fun i find. If i remember correctly games like Portal do this with basically all their features.

i do also have some suggestions for features too. both moving spikes and platforms being wayed down are really cool ideas and, as i said, they'll become way less repetitve if you mix them together well. I also think a grapple hook feature may be cool, where you can only grapple to player blocks (obviously available only on some levels) which could give the game opportunity for some much larger levels. and moving spikes that get stuck to player blocks, taking it with them until they hit a wall or the floor or ceiling (that way the player has to think about where the spike will go before turning dying).

Any idea you come up with will be great with time and effort :)