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Day 9 and I feel like I have the Minimum Viable Product I was aiming for. Generally speaking.

Today while looking at adding environmental hazards I realized I'd been using my tilemap all wrong. I was using what was supposed to be empty space as my floor. After some adjustments I have my play area looking much better. 

I also overhauled my Spawn System so now I have much more control over my spawning waves.  I'm still trying to figure out how to increase my enemy spawn count after finishing my defined waves and looping back to start. I'm sure some more research and experimenting will turn up a solution.

As per the analogy I read before starting this jam, I'm done baking my cake. I now have the core of what this game is supposed to be. From now until submission I'll be adding things to make the game more user friendly and enjoyable. 

Everything's perfect! I just have one feedback: Is there an option to make the combat faster? Because I think it is kinda slow.

Right now I'm just trying to get things to work. I'm still tweaking attack speeds and values.