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Hi, I'm about to run this campaing with a few friends for the first time, it sounds very interesting. I just have a question, why is the ghost in the second floor of the mill not included in the enemies section? How are we supposed to handle this encounter?


Great question! The ghost isn't really a combat encounter. My intension was  to build in an opportunity to learn a bit more about the Mill itself, and to confirm  Sandro's location. I suggest diplomacy and de-escalation with Matilda. She's just a sad ghost who could use a friend! Have fun!!

We ran this adventure today, everyone loved it! It took a party of 3 new players 3 hours to complete.

This was my second time playing 5e and first DMing. At first when reading the zine it felt like it was going to be a really short session but the story opening proved to be an excelent hook so my players were looking for clues everywhere they went and were really into the story.

PS: Unfortunately, the party did not find the ghost


I'm so glad you and your party had a good time! I would love if you left a rating for the zine to help others enjoy it as much as you did :)