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I have some doubts about what you are going to implement next for example.

1.-Will there be fight replays? (This is because when you finish the beta rn there's nothing to do at all)

2.- Will all character react to your emotes? For example getting kick from the shop for masturbating / peeing or getting a blowjob for masturbating Infront of Gnu.

3.-Will there be a gallery for animations as can be getting fuck by rabbit.

4.-Will there new mechanics added to the game? Like the need to crouch to get pass by s tunnel or secret rooms etc.

5.-Will there be any  decisions that affect the history?

6.-Will you create a discord server?

7.-And for last, in the future will we be able to visit new biomes or zones?

(Sorry for the long text)

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The doubt about the discord server it's just for the reason that we get notified about the updates as at least me, don't watch almost any other media than discord. (and usually it's always to talk and that's it)

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I think the biggest problem in creating discord is management,and if Mofu manages the whole discord alone, it will be even more harder.At present, you can also see some spams on itch from time to time,if discord is mixed with some troublemakers, it will be more troublesome.Of course just my personal views, I also think following his itch and communicating in itch are enough.


Yes, managing the Discord server takes a lot of time. I have to prioritize game development, so I'm not going to make it yet.🤔

Oh and I forgot to ask if there is going to be more emotes.

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Thanks for taking the time to answer it's helpful.

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(2 edits)

The last time I asked about a discord here, Mofu said he was planning to create a server at some time in the future. It's sad if the plans has changed, but oh well.

The server itself shouldn't be a place for FAQs or anything,  it should be treated as a hub for the fans to talk, share or suggest/ask things, or for the dev to post sketches, WIPs, gather feedback etc. Some platforms even have integrations with discord, like for paying roles if one has a crowdfunding platform enabled like Patreon or SubscribeStar, but it's not the case with Mofu. Of course, it must be administered and managed by a person Mofu can trust, because no way Mofu would handle that himself, it would take too much time, so I kinda agree with you it would be kinda useless and pointless to implement a discord serv for now. 

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Thank you for your reply! That's all right!🤗

1- Yes, I will also add those fight replays as well😉

2- It's rare now, but I'll make all characters react in the future.

3- I would like to add it to the gallery.👍

4-I'm planning to add a lot of hidden rooms in a small space.

5-I think it's possible to make several different endings.

6-I want to start Discord server. However, it can take some time to manage, so I'd like to start it when I have time to spare.

7-New biomes or zones will continue to be added as long as I'm alive😁