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(2 edits)

The last time I asked about a discord here, Mofu said he was planning to create a server at some time in the future. It's sad if the plans has changed, but oh well.

The server itself shouldn't be a place for FAQs or anything,  it should be treated as a hub for the fans to talk, share or suggest/ask things, or for the dev to post sketches, WIPs, gather feedback etc. Some platforms even have integrations with discord, like for paying roles if one has a crowdfunding platform enabled like Patreon or SubscribeStar, but it's not the case with Mofu. Of course, it must be administered and managed by a person Mofu can trust, because no way Mofu would handle that himself, it would take too much time, so I kinda agree with you it would be kinda useless and pointless to implement a discord serv for now. 

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