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(1 edit)

The first thing I like about this game is the fact it’s custom art, I really hate games that use ripped artwork, but this is purely custom which I love! I like how your can steal whole chairs and tables from buildings, no idea where the character stashes these things but am going to guess some magic pocket? Either way, loved this feature, It was funny and unique. I also like how when you go to sleep you see the world around whizz by (npcs speed walking fast around you) I personally will be checking this game out every time there’s a release. So far I enjoyed it. Would be great to get some on-screen icons or tutorials once the game is finished. Great work.


Thanks a ton for the comment! I didn't forget the feedback you gave me on discord either. All of your feedback will definitely be addressed in some way on the 4.0 release.

What kind of tutorials would you like to see? There's a "controls" section in the options menu for now but it probably is a bit lacking.

Btw you're the first person to comment on one of my devlogs <3

Also because of the dynamic nature of my game, saves don't carry over between releases, but I don't think that's to much of a problem for most people right?

I personally would be frustrated if the game saved didn’t carry over, to lose my game progress would be very disappointing. It’s vital that you save player progress, unless it’s the type of game you play in rounds, but this is an rpg right? If so, saving a must.

True, but I don't use minimalistic saving, so when you load an old game using a new build, it won't retroactively add the new content to your old save, but you can still play it.