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Hi, thanks for the awesome work, any improv coming to the vikings map? Like a lateral door or maybe a tunnel?

Also, for those who doesn't play on discord would be very useful a chat with 4/5 preset messages like "follow me" or "we need a sniper". Just a couple of stupid ideas but i think that would make it more a team game than an "everyone for himself and let's seen who got the flag first" 

Have a good day/night, keep up with the good work!

hmmm I think there're many ways to play well instead of only Capturing the flag.

Ps: I am really not allowed to use the Discord or Youtube or Facebook and so many international software or website.


Oh sorry I just found that I didn't understand you yesterday but now I understand it,....

Your ideas are so great and I also thought about it too.

No problem, misunderstands happen sometimes 😊


Thanks! I like your suggestions. I was thinking about making one extra route on vikings map. Also the preset messages would be really useful.
