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Did it run properly beforehand?

yes, I did remember having to get out of full screen due to the game being laggy. It seem to run smoothly a bit when the game was now windowed since I changed the graphics along with the second section as well. 

Hmmm... Might be worth doing a full reinstall of the game, making sure no files are left to cause a bug. I've never seen this before!

Including steam? Just wanted to make sure that I’m not doing it wrong which could possible loss my process unless it’s needed to be sacrificed in order for the game to work properly without any issues.

I tried to do it, made sure there isn't anything left. I even did a full restart of my steam but it's still the same, I don't know what's wrong with it. (Maybe it's the windows and resolution situation that won't let me in? I don't know anymore. Also sorry if I'm a bother to you at the moment as I really enjoyed the game) 

I... I have found the way to fix it, which is weirdly surprising on how it worked. As I did ALT+SHIFT+ENTER on it and it was back to normal.
I do apologize but also want to thank you for your help, and really love your game!


Thanks for finding a fix, I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful! I'm glad you've enjoyed the game though!