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Some QoL improvements and balancing would have gone a long, long way with this one.

It was cute, funny, and original, and had a pretty good soundtrack (some songs RTP-adjacent? but there was a lot of custom stuff too). Dialog was a bit uneven and needed editing for grammar/spelling etc., but it was also snappy at the right times and the humor was great. I appreciate the custom graphics though there was a mishmash of art styles (whatever it's a jam).

I have the same complaints mentioned below about the skill learning being awkward. I wish you'd stated on the item that it teaches the skills, as I also thought these were single use and didn't interact with the skill system until the greed fight.

Incidentally, greed is where I stopped playing. I think the story was good, but I basically knew more or less where it was going, and the gameplay just didn't work for me well enough to want to bash through the encounters. Battles are massively imbalanced with physical being dramatically more powerful than magic except for being susceptible to counters. Plus the prevalence of multi-hit enemy skills that do way too much burst damage, enemy healers that can revive, skills that underperform for various reasons (description says "great damage" but it does less than your starter arrow), all kind of made the difficulty feel padded and artificial rather than strategic, which is the worst kind of challenge. I would have been more likely to complete this game if it had no battle system instead, and from a combat focused player that's not a great sign.

My other, lesser issues: the repetitive transformation scene got old fast. Too much walking around that could have been shorter cut scene.

Ultimately I'd consider this a great effort and for a player that has enough patience to just RNG brute force their way through a couple bosses I am sure it would be much more satisfying.