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Okay, you wanted some feedback? I have no idea what level of criticism you are comfortable with, so I'm gonna try to keep it soft and constructive. 

Your visuals and model designs are STELLAR. Your lighting is fantastic and every character is super cute in their own way. Plus, you're not afraid to make more petite models despite the common stigma and judgement that can attract.

The speed at which you crank out content is fantastic. You are the fastest dev I know. That being said, I feel the quality of your work suffers with the speed. Here are a couple of the things I notice. And this holds true for ALL of your games.

  • Your conversation scenes are generally one or two angles, with variations for mouths opening and closing. And there is a LOT of dialogue for just those one or two static angles. More often than not, I find myself rapidly tapping to get to the next scene, skipping most of the dialogue. 
    • I would like to see more angles during conversations, switching angles perhaps every 5 or 6 lines to give the scenes some LIFE. I myself switch angles every 2 or 3 lines, and I rarely reuse a shot. I don't expect you to go to that level because you're making a very different style of game. But I think this could go a long way into making things feel more immersive. 
  • The writing ends up feeling... quite thin and uninspired. A lot of it is small-talk conversation with things that really have no bearing on the plot. You manage to slip in some flirting here and there, which is good, but the majority of your dialogue is skippable without having much of an impact on the gameplay experience. 
    • This isn't an easy one to fix. You either know how to write compelling and meaningful dialogue or you don't. There's not a lot of coaching that can be had here aside from studying your competition and seeing how other devs write dialogue. I have a bit of an unfair advantage, being a published author with 20 years of writing experience, so at this point it kinda comes natural to me. I think perhaps working on your character building could end up helping with your dialogue, as when you put two characters in a room, if they're built well, you'll automatically know how each character will act before a single word is spoken.
  • The characters really don't feel real. Most characters talk exactly the same. Most have the same nonchalant, casual attitude. Heck, I know of a couple scenes that are like, "Don't cum in me!" "Ha I came in you." "Oh well, guess I'm okay with it." There's no humanity in that. I'm big on names, and I don't remember any name from any of your games except Tiffany, Charlie, and Abere. They're not memorable at all. 
    • Character building blocks can really help with personality and reactions. But on top of this, the MC needs to also actually care. Less of the "Haha she's mad okay next bitch" attitude. It doesn't feel like there's anything that's important to the MC besides sex and getting people knocked up. He's got no personality. No quirks. No backstory. No inspiration. He's flat. You want the player to enjoy playing the MC, and you want the characters to have enough life that the player connects with them. That makes banging them a LOT more satisfying for a lot of players.
  • Your sex scenes... this is where the games really suffer over everything else. There is zero sexual tension between your characters. And if you know anything about AVNs, it's that it's the buildup and the anticipation that makes finally nailing the chick rewarding. Your games go from small talk directly to penetration with absolutely no buildup or anticipation. Not only are your excuses to enter a sex scene basically "hey, wanna fuck?" "Sure why not," most of your scenes consist of a single position, and more often than not a single animation and then the MC cums. Compare that to the sex scenes I do in World's Crossing Academy, the later ones having something like 21 video loops per scene. Now, the difference between these two games is that WCA is much more of the "Story-Centric Slow Burn" style of AVN, whereas your games are more of the "Quick and Dirty with Lots of Sex" style. And that's 100% fine, because there is absolutely a market for that. But when you're a Quick and Dirty AVN, people are gonna play it expecting your scenes to be good "inspiration." And when they only last 20 seconds and 1 position... that's disappointing on an epic scale.
    • Here, you're gonna want to make a choice on the identity of the game. Is it gonna be a Slow Burn or Story Centric game like WCA or Light of My Life? 
      • If yes, you want to really focus on quality character building, story telling, and plot points.
    • Or is it going to be a Quick and Dirty AVN?
      • If yes here, then your sex scenes need to be the strongest thing in your games. Lots of attention to detail. Multiple angles. Multiple animations. LONG scenes. All the other stuff you put in is leading you toward the next sex scene.

So the summary is, with the astounding quality of your models and environments, I feel like there's so much wasted potential with your works because you seem focused on speed over quality. I would LOVE to see more depth in the characters, the dialogue, and (if you so choose) the overall story arc. Or if you prefer the Quick and Dirty approach, more time spent on each sex scene. Make it a whole ass scene rather than a 20 second event. Your models are GORGEOUS and your visuals are so goddamn good. I feel if you just spent some more time lovingly crafting at least your sex scenes and putting some more angles into your dialogue (and more emotion into everything), I think you would have some MASTERPIECES on your hands. Honestly. These games could be SO GOOD. 

I think the primary competition for your style of game is one called Proud Father by Westy20. It's a very Quick and Dirty style like what you're doing, but there's so much depth in it, and the execution of the dialogue and sex scenes are fantastic. Perhaps give it a play and see if you can get some inspiration from that style, because it's very close to what your games are aiming for, and Proud Father pulls this off almost flawlessly.

That's all I've got for you. I hope this comes across as constructive and inspiring, and not complaining, because I would love to see your games take off and succeed. You have some great foundations built and I feel if you studied what your competitors are doing and learned a few things, all of the doc5252 games would benefit from it and the support in your Patreon would skyrocket. 

If you'd like any help with anything, I'd love to contribute to your work. Just hit me up anytime. 

-Vic, Team EmberWings