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A member registered Aug 11, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for the kind words!

You'd be close! The four planned arcs are:

  • Janitor
  • Security
  • Counselor
  • Ambassador

The main base game will likely end with the Counselor arc, with the Ambassador arc as expansions. The way we planned it out, each world you'll be able to visit should have its own expansion with its own roster of love interests. I dunno how REALISTIC that vision is, but that's what I'd LIKE to do lol

Thank you so much! We'd be thrilled to have you in the Discord!

PERFECT. Yeah there are two ways to fix it. Either get or drop that script.rpy file in's "game" folder and let it overwrite the existing script.rpy. Glad you can play it! Sorry for the confusion!

(1 edit)

Fix is attached to this post. Will have up shortly as well.

Welp there's a bug. A month of supporters testing it and no one caught it. Fixing soon.

High praise. Thanks so much!

Yeah, I figured I'd been dragging my feet on advancing the story and getting the damn ball rolling for 3 and a half years, so I went all out on this one. 

There 's more than just that twist for Saarya's story. Don't you worry; we'll get to it :)

Yes, all you have to do is hit Start and start a new game instead of Load Game :)

You have the latest release, If so, how old is your save? 

That scene is the beginning of Season 2. When I did the Season 1 Rework, that combined both games and set variables back in Season 1. So if your save is before 1.0 came out, it requires a restart. If not, you must have saved at the end of Season 1. 

Nope. It's River and the Harpy Girl. River isn't written yet and the Harpy only has two scenes. Dunno why they're showing up like that so I'll have to fix it in the next content drop.

I'll be fixing that at some point. One is the River, who isn't written yet, and the other is the Harpy, who only has the 2 scenes. Dunno why they appeared as question marks...  Also, I just dropped an entire new episode today. has Season 2 Episode 3 and a couple more side scenes!

Thank you so much! Yeah most of my time went into shooting that damn fight sequence lmao. Manual posing is rough.

More will unlock as you progress. I added unlock tags at the ends of various updates so that way the people who had already played that far didn't miss unlocking those characters. 

(2 edits)

I refresh this page daily and will rejoice when this date changes and I can run this system again.

Thank you so much! A brand new episode is on the way, too! Just hit the $10 tier on the support sites

Oh, the Taegeuk system I believe is used across all 9 kwans, or schools, of traditional Taekwondo after it evolved from its grandfather art, Taekkyon. From what I understand, the five original schools were: 

  • Song Moo Kwan, founded by Shotokan practitioner Ro Byung- jik in 1944
  • Chung Do Kwan, also founded by a Shotokan practitioner in 1944, Lee Won-kyuk
  • Moo Duk Kwan, founded by Hwang Kee in 1946, who had practiced Taekkyon and Tai Chi as well as some Kung Fu 
  • Chang Moo Kwan, founded in 1946 by Kung Fu practitioner Yoon Byung-in
  • Jidokwan, founded in 1946 by Chun Sang-sup, a Shotokan practitioner who trained with Yoon Byung-in so much they were called brothers.

After the Korean War, 4 more kwans were added:

  • Han Moo Kwan, Founded in August 1954 by Lee Kyo Yoon as an offshoot of the Yun Moo Kwan/Jidokwan.
  • Oh Do Kwan, Founded in 1955 by Choi Hong Hi, Nam Tae Hi, and Han Cha Kyo as an offshoot of the Chung Do Kwan.
  • Kang Duk Kwan, Founded in 1956 by Park Chul Hee and Hong Jong Pyo as an offshoot of the Kwon Bop Bu/Chang Moo Kwan.
  • Jung Do Kwan,Founded in 1956 by Lee Yong Woo (died August, 2006) as an offshoot of the Chung Do Kwan.

And then, of course, you have ITF Taekwondo, founded in 1966, which I have an extremely low opinion of. Blame Hwoarang from Tekken for this. His hands are all over the place like some braindead ballerina. Baek Doo San, also from Tekken, uses Moo Duk Kwan, and his techniques are SO much more crisp. 

Now, I could be wrong about this, but I believe all nine kwans use the Taegeuk system. So Taegeuk Iljang I THINK should be the first form you learn in any of these styles. They used to use the Palgwae forms for the colored belts in the original five kwans, but when more kwans joined the organization, they were considered deprecated and created the Taegeuk forms to better represent input from all kwans. My school still made black belts learn the Palgwae forms starting at 2nd Dan in addition to the black belt forms. 

It might be worth asking your master or anyone who might know which kwan your lineage follows!

And the scene I'm referencing was a scene when Aurum was practicing 2nd Dan Form Keumgang. That was taken out in the 1.0 version of the game. I was curious as to where I had left mention of the Taegeuk forms in the game because I thought it was in that scene, which shouldn't be in the game anymore lol

Would love to have ya in the Discord if ya have one! I'm much more responsive there. 

Thanks for your comment!

The style being shown is Moo Duk Kwan Taekwondo. There were several ways we would practice the poomsae, one of which my master called "dynamic tension." And I assure you, that method of practice is exhausting. Especially when you're doing multiple poomsae in a row. 

That being said, I could have sworn I took out the scene where Aurum was practicing from Keumgang... Do you have an old version? Or did I mention the Taegeuk forms elsewhere?

Eyyyy Happy Birthday whenever it is!

Nope. I'm about to drop Season 2 Episode 3 in a few days here. Just bugtesting right now. We plan to keep making content for this game for years to come.

They're not for WCA. They'd be for a future project that I would have used Koikatsu for.

That seems to be the consensus and you have no idea how grateful I am for that.

She's been a surprising one! Unlike most of the other girls, who have a problem you have to help them solve, Galka is a healthy-minded lady with a lot of emotional intelligence who wants to crack YOUR shell and help YOU. Lot of people have been really pleasantly surprised by that.

Be sure to visit the Discord! In the #wca-discord-exclusives channel, there are voicemails from both Nook and Galka that you can listen to! 

Nope. One episode. The next update will contain Season 2 Episode 3.

You and me both. And I created them lol.

(1 edit)

Pinup Packs are not part of the story. They're separate downloadables that are packs of high resolution images you can use for wallpapers and stuff.

Because I kept getting complaints from people who expected to open the game and immediately have some Chad MC who instantly started banging chicks so they'd have sex scenes to jack off to. This is more of a story than a game, and it happens to have sexual content in it. If you're here for a quick fap, WCA is not for you. There ARE sex scenes and nudity in the story, but the main point of WCA is the story, not the sex, so it takes time to get there with the girls. Lot of people didn't understand that. Now, when there ARE sex scenes, they are high effort and rather long. But you have to spend a lot of time earning them. So I decided to put a disclaimer at the top.


Pinup Pack 2 - Oops! All Goblins!

Pinup Pack 4 - Jade Bonus Pack

Pinup Pack 5 - Dancing Test Videos

Pinup Pack 7 - Feedback Form Exclusive

These are all exclusive to SubscribeStar and Patreon supporters. In addition to that, Packs 3, 6, 8, and 10 have Supporter versions that have bonus shots with more nudity in them. There's also a voicemail from Nook and a voicemail from Galka. Have to keep some of the goodies for the people who are helping me pay my rent. 

Hope that answers your question!

Thank you so much. It's comments like this that help keep me going :)

Hey, we had to take the gallery out because it kept breaking the game. The guy who coded the gallery left the project for college so it's been abandoned ever since. 

I look forward to hearing how you feel about the new version after ya replay it! Cecilia and River are still very much in the game, but they've been shifted so that you have to opt-in to their content instead of it being there by default. Now it's all forward momentum and new content from here on out! Exciting new things coming very, very soon!

No worries! I got no problems with people clarifying what content is and isn't in the game. Can't tell you how many times I've had to tell people there will never be NTR in the game. And there's almost universally a sigh of relief lmao

Yes, Patreon requires all characters to be consenting non-related adults, even in works of fiction. However, this game does contain some fantasy races that I would consider "petite," and if you don't like those types of characters, you can choose to avoid their romance routes. The power is in the hands of the player. You'll make a lot of friends and have a lot of interactions in a friendship capacity, but you have to physically opt-in to any romance routes starting in Season 2. 

I understand countries like Australia can be especially touchy about stuff like this, so I made sure any explicit scenes with characters like these were opt-in only, and every main story H-scene in Season 1 was made fully skippable/declinable.


Haha thank you so much! This story wouldn't be anything without people like you and your encouraging words. Don't worry, more Cecilia is coming for those that like her. Feel free to pop into the Discord! 

Interesting. I zipped it with the standard Windows Right Click > Send to Compressed (Zipped) folder thingy so there shouldn't be any problems unzipping it. Are you getting an antivirus trigger when you try to unzip? Could be you need to whitelist it in order to be able to unzip it without stuff going into quarantine.

(3 edits)

Which version are you having trouble with? PC? Mac? The Estrada Android port? I need more information. 

Copy that. Thanks for the reply. I'll let my group know.

Fantastic system. Veteran DM in 5e, BREAK!!, and Witcher TRPG, and this is probably the best combat system I've run so far. 

When will the main PDF be updated to include the rule changes in the Errata? It still shows a Last Edited date of 2021 (on Itch Download page).

... I didn't consider allowing the player to change the time of day at the end of a build. That's not a bad idea. 

I think I only have one secret character enabled and actually written for the moment. I'm combing through my quest variables file and I'm not seeing more than just the one. I may have messed something up in the coding lol

AH SHIT. The Blossom sidequest. Forgot about that.

And yes, the trigger will be in Eshtel's side content, her Free Time file once we get her a good batch of scenes written.

Yeah the code is saying "white" when it should say "whitebg." You can ignore it and keep going.

The choice was taken out and moved to Eshtel's Side Story file. And I thought I replaced all the images of Eshtel with the bracelet with images of her not wearing it. Did I miss some?

Thanks for letting me know! Feedback makes the story better.