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Mmm... interesting, this quest must be done at daytime. And you have to talk to the girl, maybe you're too close to the guards, try changing your position and angle so the girl will be between you and the guards. You need to talk to her. If you still can't let us know and we will help you to complete the quests.

Also, you can direct message me at our Discord channel. I'm jptester and all comments are welcome, I will personally answer any quest you have.

Thank you for playing our game.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for your quick reply. I have moved around so only the girl has the interact E above her head and the guy still comes up with the phrase. I have quit the game and gone back in and have had the same result several times.  

I found your Discord channel link on Patreon and will add your channel to my list.


Ok, glad to know you joined the discord channel. Talk to you there then :)