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Deleted 209 days ago

1) I would really like to, yes! However, unfortunately as of now I still haven't found a plugin that makes this possible yet, so it might still take some time until it'll be a feature.
2) Ah, I believe I'm not even able to tell you a rough date yet, though I hope that it won't take too long! I do really appreciate your support and love for the game though, ha ha!~
3) Austen will definitely have certain scenes in the future, I haven't made plans for him to be romanceable though but if that's what players would like, I can surely add that!
4) Yes! In fact I am currently redrawing a majority of the sprites in the game, I've already finished Tauren's as well, ha ha!
5) I am planning to add a valentines event for the new desires, yes! Since the problem with the plugin that controls dreamscapes still persists though, I am still waiting with it until I have found the right fix for it.

No need to apologize! Thank you very much for your support !~

Deleted 209 days ago