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Ooh congrats! The first boss is really tough, I'm likely going to nerf it in the full game / add an "easy" mode, since I really want people to be able to actually progress without spending tons of attempts.

hahaha to be honest, the boss resetting the level is kind of by design for the exact reason you mentioned: Frost builds sort of melt the boss otherwise, and I didn't want to have to balance the boss around that, so resetting during phase 2 was the cleanest way to avoid a complete sweep of phase 2 for frost users.

I'm glad you liked it! I think the roguelike formula really lends itself to taking breaks and coming back to things. I'm hoping people feel motivated to commit multiple runs to this game.

I'll be sure to reach out if I make any B-sides like that! Same goes for playtesting, I'm planning on setting up some kind of group for playtesting the full game, so I'll reach out if that happens and you're interested. Thanks again for playing!