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A stealth game is a very ambitious thing to do in a jam! I'm really impressed that you took on such a big project, including a separate minigame, as well as that you wrangled an 11-person team. (Plus Soviet history is my jam.) But I think it illustrates the reason this is such a difficult thing to accomplish--these games rely on very precise physics and controls that were super hard to achieve. And this release has a lot of issues: There are physics and collider issues, the cutscenes don't play, the Morse code minigame never accepts dashes, when you die you can slide your corpse around on the map. I ended up getting stuck in a trench that there's no way to get out of.

But it's a solid game concept, and looking at the screencaps makes me wish I could play a full, working version! You should upload a bug fix.

Thank you for your detailed feedback!

You are right - the concept was really not easy to implement. However, our team is working on bug fixes and will soon be ready to release a new version of the game.