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Moving them would make it more fun. Though in my case it would give me a better chance at finding it since I somehow cannot get to it for the life of me.

I went to the top left of everything I could think of, whether it be the forest, the sewers, the castle, the town, even the other continent, but I can't see it.

Woops got my codes confused. So the mentalitiser code is in the cave where the sewer entrance is. Check the weirdly placed bush in the middle of the room.... :D

(1 edit)

I found it. I do not know why it never occurred to me to check the foliage in this game. Now I have a million more things that I need to check in case there are extra stuff. EDIT: I found Digest-Aid in an unmarked cabinet, and I continue my search.

Haha. Now the PTSD settles in while you mindlessly click on everything :D 

Mwahahahahah :D