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Holy crap, the end part really freaked me out. The ambiance and environment was really well done and super spooky! The thick darkness outside of the shop also was really enveloping and scary, so well done on that!

Only few things I would recommend would be make the interaction with things a bit easier; I sometimes had to precisely click or double click to register an action (Though that might just be me.) And the other thing I would suggest would be to use the outside of the shop when you make the full game; making the player go outside to face the darkness and the unknown to find something and return while there are scary noises around would be really scary and effective!

(I also found a glitch where once you pick up the pork bag, I couldn't interact with the empty pork thing and it didn't place the bag in there, not sure if I did something wrong, but I tried clicking there multiple times and it didn't work.)

Other than that, I think the game was really well done and it was scary and fun to play, congrats on making it and good luck!