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This is a very nice little game! I like the pixel art, and the environmental sounds in lieu of background music is a nice break.

I echo previous comments on the control scheme. After getting the wall climb ability I got stuck. Call me lazy but figuring out how to combine all the controls to backtrack around the spikes was going to take more patients than I have today. A better control scheme that feels more natural would have made a difference.

There are far too many blind falls in this game. Of course in map mode you can see them, but you have to return to the robot to control it and thus lose site of obstacles/hazards. I suggest centering the camera on the robot when in control mode and zoom out a bit to give players more visibility.

One last thing. When the player dies and is restarted in another position, keep the robot’s mode what it was when they died instead of changing it back to ball mode. At least for me I would just have to change it’s mode back to what I was doing when I died. Most of the time I think maintaining the mode would be the right thing to do.