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The outcome of my investigation is that she is a russian sleeper agent? Some guy in a weird suit comes up to her at the end. My thoughts on the game make me feel that she is delusional though. That maybe she was traumatized by Johan so much that she begins to feel like her skeleton isn't her own. Making up this story in her mind that she is a sleeper agent Her delusion is so deep that she 100 percent believes it's real. She operates on herself to cope with the mental abuse she has been put through by Johan. This is only my theory as, what is told by her about Johan is vague.  On a side note I see you are the developer of supercontient LTD! I enjoyed that game so much when I played it over a year ago. Even though I didn't beat it I enjoyed playing it. I"m sure we have both grown so much as let's player and, developer in that time. Keep on creating can't wait to see what will be next!