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(3 edits)

Ok, is it possible to have a bit of control for the enemy position for the sideview battle? Cause my battle UI is in the center and my actors are on the right of the screen. Or at the very least have control over the troop generated for balancing purposes.

More control over generated troop in what way?

(1 edit)

Similar to the control you have in the database options for troops like determining the x,y coordinates, the amount of enemies encountered and which enemies show up together as a troop. And maybe rarity of a certain map enemies showing up (if that's possible).

Currently it's a bit too random for how I'm trying to balance my project, especially the early game.

Alright, I'll see what I can do for the positioning setup

(2 edits) (+1)

Thanks a lot, this update is very functionally for what I trying to do in my project. Only thing that would make perfect for my what doing is the rarity but as it is, I'm more than satisfied.