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Thanks for playing, and the detailed feedback!

I get your suggestion for having generic “Move”, “Turn”, etc., and leaving out Swivel initially which will reduce the number of different cards. The direction specific cards were a deliberate choice. The situation now is that the starting deck has one card for each basic movement + 3 random cards (for a total of 15 already), leaving no room for duplicates etc. I liked the suggestion of Swivel coming in later, however this would require that move and turn suffice initially. Right now I was thinking of Swivel also as a basic action. I felt having a few random cards in the deck will push the player to explore some cards they may not otherwise, but will reconsider this.

It is encouraging that you liked the game in general. And I definitely get the pain points you’ve brought out here. There’s a certain kind of gameplay that I had in mind with these cards. I’ll work on this feedback and see how to improve. I’m not sure how exactly, but will try out further changes in the coming versions. This feedback is super helpful. Much appreciated!