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I'm impressed with the art and music you were able to make for this.  It's sort of a shame I just wound up sprinting past most of it to beat the timer, rather than taking it all in.  There doesn't seem to be much point in attacking things when I can just jump over them.  The controls feel a bit slippery.  Not sure what engine you used for this, but it feels like the player's collider keeps getting stuck on things.  If this were Unity, I could recommend ways to fix it.

Thanks for your review.We wanted to fix things and furnish it more but were short of time.Would love to know your recommendation

Well, I don't know how it works in other engines, but in Unity, you can change to box collider instead of capsule to avoid the sliding down the sides of objects.  Also adding a PhysicsMaterial2D.  If you wanna force the player to engage in combat, then having sections that bottle neck to where you can't jump over.

Thanks for your help. Will surely try this.