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Ah, thank you. The first few (Mary, Crowven, and Twyla) I figured out—though in Mary's case, only because someone pointed out the pun in her name. Given Reginald's surname, I can see Pufferfish (Tetra, as a play on "Tetrodotoxin"). Vasilis is still a mystery to me, even so. But that does nothing to diminish my appreciation!

(1 edit) (+2)

You're welcome! I just really like explaining things about video games. Also, something that wasn't pointed out I forgot to mention was that Mary Anta is an anagram of Manta Ray


Mhm. Someone mentioned, and I pretty much facepalmed. The shape of her hair makes the allusion a little more prominent. I always like learning more about characters I'm fond of; it's an old hobby, of sorts.

Same here! I really enjoy learning about video game characters!