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I've found an exploit/bug: When using the hose tool, pressing down repeatedly at the bottom of the screen instantly deletes whatever you were holding, and with gravity this means you can clear entire columns. the block seems to wrap around to the top of the board for a frame or two before deletion. It's not incredibly practical since holding down at the bottom also increases the speed of the board, and it nets you no points, but nonetheless it's a thing.

not entirely sure if the comments of the itch page is the best place to report these things, i don't want to clog up the comments with them

Lol don’t worry, it’s ok! Thanks for letting me know :D

is there a discord or something for your games? if there isn't, seems like that could be a good way to organise stuff like bug reports and also build up a community
if there is one i'm just dumb and do not know where to find it