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AhhhHHHHHH... ok I feel like I need to clarify LOL This is getting into spoiler territory but I don't want you to have any potential bad feelings about the story/direction!!













Gidget is indeed trans, but they are AFAB. They are non-binary / transmasc. You are right that Iggy's involvement in everything is Not Good but more in the way that because of him, Gidget struggles to accept who they are, and so part of their story revolves around this. A lot of the experiences, feelings, mEnTaL sTrUgGlEs, etc. are based on things I have also gone through as someone who is also non-binary, particularly around acting a certain way because of friends, family, society, and someone you like (and wanting them to like you back, etc.).

So I hope that clears things up. I don't want to get into much more detail than that as then it'll really be going full into spoilers, but so many ppl have also already figured out where this is going that at least this point is not even complete spoilers anymore LOL

(1 edit)

Ah, I see. Glad to hear the low-down on Gidget. Sorry for making you make the kinda-sorta open secret official. I just wanted to express my concerns is all.

(Also, I swear my "I just want Gidget to be Gidget" statement wasn't meant to be prophetic or anything. :D )

EDIT: Removed spoilers. To those who think they saw spoilers: you didn't see anything.