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I got it yesterday and looked it over. I really like how you elegantly built eras, rises and falls, into the main play tables themselves. It's a really, really cool mechanic.

Overall, theme and style, superb. I like it a lot.

The interior headers really give an art-deco-infinity vibe that echoes Lynch's Dune for me (which is definitely a good thing). I'd personally have gone with a similar styling for your cover, but your tribute to the 1960s and 1970s sci fi pulps is a good choice.

In a few places, I feel like the large "dice icons" trapped you a little bit, making it hard to stay on a single spread or keep a section feeling cohesive. I would have made those icons a bit smaller, and possibly gone for a narrower body font. Maybe a Helvetica or Univers. But this is really just my own quibble: I want more of those cool header and art deco elements on the rise / gold / fall sections! :D

Thank you for bringing this game to my attention.