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So much nice feedback! Szym made the good point of making the pieces go left to right instead of top to bottom which would make more room so I'm re-designing for that. I'd love to know if you have any more feedback after finishing the game!

I went back and finished the game. The only thing I never understood was the point of the "buffer" gate. As far as I could tell, it seemed to have the same effective behavior as "push", but perhaps subject to real-time inputs? Which would ironically make it the only gate that DOESN'T buffer. In fact, in order to solve a bunch of the later puzzles, I ended up creating what I think of as a buffer out of a long chain of "reflect" gates just to act as a trash bin for discarding unwanted outputs. In the end, I completed the game without ever using "buffer".

That's an interesting way of completing the levels! I guess it's a side-effect of only needing a set amount of sequences to complete the level, there's not meant to be any discarded outputs. The point of the buffer is to combine two connections into one, so you can connect up different things to one action (I guess it was a bad naming choice, I copied the object from a buffer action I didn't use but never got around to changing the text). Here's how I use it in the first level with a buffer . I'd love to see some of your solutions to the levels! I'm going to be posting updates in the discord server linked in the games description so I'd be grateful for your input during development