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Hi there, I am DragonExplosion and I am a Youtuber. If you like my videos, please leave a like and subscribe at my channel.

This was a really cool and interesting horror game about becoming pen pals with someone quite strange and unique. It is actually quite difficult to write the correct letter to the Pen Pal as both options given to the main character seem to be good and bad at the same time since we do not know much about the Pen Pal. The black and white design of the game and the design of the Pen Pal definitely led to a scary mood and atmosphere in the game since everything appears to be safe and simple when it is not. So far, I have only gotten the bad ending for the game and I definitely got confused at what the Pen Pal likes after playing through it multiple times XD. I liked the unique idea behind the game, having the player pick between letters with different information to send to the Pen Pals when both letter appear to be good until you realise it may not be the case after sending it. Will be trying to get the good ending and understand my Pen Pal better XD!

Thank you for reading my comment and I wish you good luck in your future endeavours.

Thanks for playing and I'm glad you enjoyed. I would like to say that along with selecting the right letters to write to the pen pal, there are also secret  notes that can appear in random places around the house depending on the replies you choose. In order to get the good ending you have to pick up these hidden notes AND choose the right things to say in your letters. 

Again, I'm super happy you enjoyed :)

(1 edit)

Thanks for the heads-up! I have played the game for a really long time and I still can't get the good ending XDDDD. I have found 2 of the hidden letters so far and I am going to take a break now XD. If you didn't give me a hint about how to get the good ending, I probably would not have even gotten closer to the truth so thank you so much!

I'll give you one more hint. The first note is in the trash can in the office. ;)

XD. I actually found the first note already from spamming the key "E" everywhere around the house. I just managed to figured out how to get the third note after realising that I was thinking too much LEL.