Really solid little game. Has a nice progression, loved the cinematics and titles, the rest stop music was hilarious, and you get that feeling of a good metroidvania where you start of moving slowly through areas, but after a couple power-ups are going through the same areas in different ways.
One small thing for me was that it took me a couple deaths to figure out that I could wall jump from the start (I assumed it would be a power-up later, so never even tried till there was nowhere to go). If there had been some way to teach the player that early on, maybe with an early wall to jump up, or simply making it a power up and putting it in one of the early rooms, I think that'd help quite a bit.
I also like that you added the extra challenge pick-ups. I didn't have the patience to get all of them, but I appreciate them being there ; )
Very nice entry, congrats!