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Would it be full version for itch or epic? I don't want to download steam.

why don't you want to download steam? it's super good! it does many thing much better than epic. tbh, the only reason i like epic is because of the weekly free games. else i always try to check if the game is on steam.


I like steam, but i can't buy anything from it now, because i am from russia, so i don't have many games there. On the other side whole my lirbrary is in GOG and epic, which took me from pirating to legal buyings. I can buy things in epic now, but i can't is steam. Btw nice avatar!


use a vpn? i know there are many free vpn's that work just fine, so i reccomend a vpn if you haven't tried already.


Of cource i have vpn, but i also need to do many things to get a foreign credit card. Maybe later i will go to steam, but i have a huge backlog in epic and gog. Thank you.