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Hey, thanks for taking the time to write all that out - it's always valuable to get in-depth feedback from people.

As for your suggestions, there are changelogs attached to every release (just check the update post) and the "to-do" indicator would take a lifetime to implement, would have to be adjusted with every single release and would become totally redundant once the game was finished. In short, not viable for a solo dev on a weekly update cycle ;)

By "site" do you mean "engine"? If so, then I'm using Ren'py (It's free, and you can find it right here: ), along with Audacity for music and sound effects, Photoshop for graphical tweaking/polishing/resizing and Premiere Pro to edit animations.

Good luck with your own project, and once you get it off the ground feel free to post a link to it over on the CK Discord server! :)

Deleted 1 year ago