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What a fun quirky, rpg! It's too bad that it's quite buggy and unfinished, because there is a lot of potential here. I was having a good time but I had to give up because I kept getting stuck in fights where the enemies attack over and over without giving me a chance to respond until my hp was completely drained. Also, keeping up HP was a challenge because some of the items that were supposed to give hp didn't seem to actually restore hp. At any rate, this seems really cool and I look forward to seeing more in the future. 


Thank you for the feedback! Yeah it's pretty brutal and in future updates I plan on thoroughly re-hauling the battle system to be way less punishing. Enemies had to be slapped together near the end to make each area distinct. Some were made in 5 minutes and tested in even less lol, an hour before the submission was due haha. I hope to bring out this game's full potential someday!