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I just wasted like two whole hours just sitting on my computer fruitlessly exploring the History level which I couldn't do because tons of doors were just locked and shut for no reason. Only that one time I managed to get to the woods and I have no idea what door actually opened for me. Also I fell out of the map when I got there and walked to the edge thinking there was a wall there so I couldn't find the mushrooms. And there was blackness everywhere obscuring my items from view. (Ever notice that obscurity when you're straight in front of an open locker?) Also just realised that's her open ribcage.

Oh yeah, I won Language. On Boi mode. There was a bug BTW - I, like, entered the codes, went out and took a peek at Marzia and then pressed the UP button but the doors didn't shut. It just got darker and maybe played the elevator ambience sound (wasn't listening).