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Alright... I finally got the 2nd update out! Be a while I know sorry about that... Just my normal work flow over all the thing I do...

So The intro text as of now is done but I may need to wait to work on the first maps till I get the new version of RPG maker for that Event path display...
As the main mechanic of the game is having "real-time" Battles and having NPC move around on maps in a way most are not accustomed to in an RPG maker vanilla game. I developed this mechanic in this stream...

If I had to guess why most RPG maker games don't have this... It would be it's time-consuming, not really retro and just an odd way of using vanallia RPG maker.

That said the update includes...

Release notes

-Pre-Alpha 0.0.2-

-The intro text should be completely working but may change in the future.

-Help and Conquer lines now transfer you to a map.