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This game was a ton of fun! I got stuck really badly trying to figure out how to get the key and ended up doing some unethical things to find some of the other endings but I'm glad I did because this story takes some very strange turns.  I couldn't find all of the endings but I think I found most of them.

My favorite ending is definitely the explosion/revenge ending, it's sweet payback for always showing up to annoy me. 

Thanks for making games!

Thanks so much for playing and making a video! I'm glad you were able to figure out hacking when you got stuck. I tried to make it pretty easy for players to go in and mess around with options and scenes however they wanted.

As for the clock, you basically have to find your past self from the last game. They only appear AFTER you have the clock and move from scene to scene in the exact same order you did last game. The "Wait longer" option makes it a little easier to pin them down. From there the cross-game progression continues with the arsonist.

Thanks again for playing!