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(1 edit)


Well, not that exiting, but check the OP for the download. You must disable the previous version of the mod in your game before making any changes. OTHERWISE THE GAME WILL KEEP THE OLD VERSION CHANGES FOR SOME UNEXPLAINED REASON. YES, EVEN IF YOU DELETE THE FILES. IT IS THAT WEIRD.

Mod Loading order, and why it matters.

This must be near the top, even on 0. Main reason for this being that, sadly, I HAVE to replace the whole file for editing the databases, as the <AddTo X> Tab provided by @Strive4Power doesn't work as expected with 'var =' type entries. I don't know why, really I still need to look into that one. Point is that you need to load this one first in order to replace the files completely and THEN, if you have another mod that interacts with those same files but doesn't do a complete override (Which means they figured out how the HECK does that <AddTo X> tag work with a 'var =' So please contact me, I need this.) you can use them safely as they will most likely not corrupt the files.

This also means that ANY mod that completely replaces any of the same .gd files in MEERD is not compatible, as they would overwrite each other and cause conflicts.


  1. Changed the chances for 'bearwithperson' event to occur wherever it appeared. Sometimes more likely, sometimes less.
  2. New cart scripted event added to prairie. There is still missing an instance where you gain positive reputation with the faction that matters in one of the options, this is a known issue.
  3. Following that... SCRIPTING! Woo-hoo! For the time being is something real small, but as I figure this code out I'll learn how to do more advanced stuff, so I'll keep you posted.
  4. Added a new functional region. Yes that's right. It is the Poisonous Swamp, located between the marsh and the Eerie Woods. This area is still a WIP so background image is still a placeholder, same as the description, encounters and their rate of appearance. I'm thinking of even making it Frostford reputation locked when I figure scripting out, but that is something to figure out later.