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If you're willing to put in a bit of annoying work, what you can try is save just before you try to do the lesson and if you dont get a decent score then just load and try again...  I would aim to increase the stat by at least 6, if not I would try again.  In your case, there is quite a large way to go, but I think after a month or so the difficulty gets a little easier (I failed most of my jobs until September?). And I made sure to drop the job before the audition day if I knew I wouldn't make it, that way I would have that day to go to lessons (if you try to go with not enough stats you just waste the day).


Oh so it's totally normal to fail the jobs after the break. I was really afraid it was gonna the end of the line for me lol. Yeah i've been taking extra lessons nonstop and i got my first job post-break. And thanks to arvan32's guide most of the upcoming jobs look reachable. 

that's great, hopefully you get that best end!