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Yea, that’s the nature of the short time constraint. But the great part is you can always go back and focus on the parts you didn’t get to finish. I intend on doing exactly that for our game once the review period is over. :)


Does the engagement continue in your experience?   Like, if I were to update this demo, polish it a bit more (honestly it wouldn't take much), would it get any views / plays on itch?  I've never published anything before so I'd totally be down if it actually was played, but if I'm just yelling into the air that's no fun :P


To be honest, I don’t know. This is actually my first game jam. :) It probably depends on your marketing (or lack thereof). I can only tell you what I plan on doing, which is waiting until the end of the game jam, reviewing all of the collective feedback, and making small investments of time/money until it either takes off or I don’t think it’s worth it anymore.

My honest opinion is that this game would work well as a mobile game, probably with ads or a very low price. Add something that gives the levels variety and let people watch ads for extra lives, if you’re looking to monetize it. If you’re not, go wild and work on it when you want to. Keep your end goals in mind. If that’s employment in a studio, probably don’t spend too much time on this and think of your next portfolio submission. If you’re looking to start your own business (like me), consider your brand and what you want to highlight. If that focus is an extremely high-quality product, like what I want to eventually achieve, focus on this one and continue to polish this until you think it’s perfect. :)