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I did not get to eat any cookies either.

The concept of the game overall is pretty interesting. I have to say I was rather confused on how to process the visual information, provided through the maps and even map icons, into something useful to help me decide where to place my missile. Each map icon having one of the four key things to pay attention to kind of confused me with the different shaded gray circles possibly meaning each of the four things or only one thing (and then where is everything else?).

The gameplay for me was pretty much playing a half dozen times trying out different things and seeing how that affected my score. In the hopes I could decode what exactly was better and worse. I am not exactly sure how much I understand still. But even that was still kind of fun, I do like puzzles and trying to figure out how things work.

Honestly though, you had me intrigued. For your first game jam the overall product delivered is really cool. Keep up the good work!