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Well. Congrats on your submission... Here are my thoughts about it:

The concept is pretty interesting, a mix of minesweeper and FPS action. Reminds me of the game "Half-Dead" (I'm serious, there is a game named that, it even has 2 sequels!

Anyways, the concept is interesting... however, there are some technical issues that massively hinders the presentation, and in turn, the overall enjoyment of the game: most notably, the game hiccups every now and then, throwing off my aim constantly, which is disorienting, and messing up my jumps. Maybe you guys should consider publishing the game as a downloadable *.exe file, as I suspect low-quality connections might also be a contributing factor here (i.e. my current one).

Also, the gun doesn't seem to work? (I clicked a few times?)

Anyways, that is all for now. Cheers!


Hey, thanks a lot for dropping a review. I am pretty sure the lag is caused due to playing in browser and we will work on an updated version with all the bugs fixed and make it downloadable. As for the gun not working, it does not work in the tutorial for whatever reason but it works in the main game. We are working on fixing that and any other bugs that might turn up and release a newer version without any bugs. Really glad you liked the concept for our game!

PS: Half Dead looks really interesting.