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How do I "flag" a tile that I think is a mine?

You juste use logic and memory, im sorry i couldnt have that flag system integrated

yo about your post on hypixel about the decompiling the modded minecraft version

hello Smart123s,

i am espero_dev and i came to ask you was it lunar client or feather client or badlion client if so do you want to join our dev team we are working on decompilers to decompile all of them

Sincerely espero_dev.

It was none of the clients you have mentioned. It was a local server's minecraft.jar, and it had a custom auth protocol that I was curious about. I'd be interested on how you got from a multiple years old Hypixel Forums post to an comment I made?

I don't really want to bother the dev of this game with our comments, could you reply to this via a Hypixel private message?