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Hi there, I am DragonExplosion and I am a Youtuber. If you like my videos, please leave a like and subscribe on my channel.

This was definitely an interesting sequel to the first Poop Killer Horror game. I was definitely looking forward to playing this game after the first one as I had a good laugh and a good scare from the first game. The idea of selling weed while worrying about the Poop Killer was pretty interesting and I enjoyed the comedic effect at the slow motion part. There is definitely way more poop than the first game and the good ending for the game was really fun and certainly not what I expected from the game XD. I was also surprised that the man pooping actually took off his pants so I just captured the entire process of how he looked when he took a dump XD. Hope to see more horror games from the developers in the future.

Thank you for reading my comment and I wish you good luck in your future endeavours.