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Can I explore the rest of the school already? I don't have time for you to not notice I got your impossible question wrong because I was running so fast trying to get the level over with. It's ironic because you yourself have the potential to run the speed of a moving train which I am merely achieving a fraction of and not knock anything over or bump into walls AT ALL and yet you're so braindead you don't notice at all that I'm being "illiterate" although it's pretty fair, because, you yourself are also illiterate because mrdrnose's kind of a noob at English (for more info about Marzia see this page about Marzia VԽ̵͇̤̯̲̹̞̤̑̉̓̿͆͌ж̸̡͕̝̭͖͍̃̉͘უ̵̝͙͑̓̆̚જ̷̛̤̙̬̰̯̤̜̭͑̔̉̚כ̷̠͕͊͂̅͊́̚ล̸̡̼̱̦͙͊͆͆͝ལ̶̧͓̝̠̻̮̈́̈̃ض̶̨̫̬̮̜̣̘͛̽̓̍̾͗͘.)