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lol Thanks for pointing all that out. You really are looking into everything thorougly.

Yeah I agree feeling like the accessories' shop is a little empty now compared to the other ones, selling mostly bangles for Lianna's shield slot (funny how the accessory shop now mostly sell shield items lmao). The reason is part lore related and part just for the game's progression honestly. I didn't make a lot of accessories, and most of them being magical items link them either to the magic shop (selling robes and stones) or to ancient ruins (where you'll find most rings). There's another character planned who wears earrings but I'm not sure yet if I'll let you edit his accessory slot yet, nor if it'd make sense to let Eastwall's shop sell gear for a late game character. I'll think of something but feel free to give ideas xD

Also my plan is to have every single accessory be found somewhere in the game world, while most of them (especially the weak versions) should be available for purchase. This way you can still make all the possible builds, but their most powerful versions are gated behind exploration and/or coin.

And yes I updated some of the game's chairs.  Most of them were just stools or huge wooden thrones lol. I gave Mr Peccora a proper fancy chair too but I understand if you think it's small. I like the design tho but I'm scared of messing with the sprites. It's pretty minor but I'll see what I can do xD

The void table will never be forgotten.


Purchased them all fortunately

Well it's alright, it's a game in development xD

In the final version I'm likely going to reduce the level requirement for several skills, as the late game expected level seems to be lower than I anticipated. I can't do that now tho cause if you're already in a level to learn a new skill or passed it, you're gonna miss it forever. ;-; So I'm saving this kind of change to the final version.