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(1 edit)

oh you meant principle, i gotcha that works pretty well! I couldnt think of anything else for him but Principle sounds fun! (and yeah principle is the one in the school whose in charge). 

on the Caleb thing, i completely forgot he was actually really good at it, maybe Caleb could do a specified version of arts and crafts while Rose also does a specified one? like she could do sewing and teaching people to make things out of wool and threads and stuff while Caleb could do something else in the genre of crafting/making stuff. or as you said sex ed could still work lol.

then Rouhsk and Othra ngl originally, I was trying to find a way for that joke i made a while back to have everyone as a student but as teachers it feels like it would work a bit better, plus colleges usually have like a hundred classes so that feels easier to work with. then i hadn't thought about the orc's and their own knowledge in the history of the land they live in, you mentioning that actually kinda makes me feel like Geography would fit the orc's (specifically Orgram or Korg because the Rhogak and our homie wouldn't work at all with how they act and what they do lol) pretty well! also this is not about imagining Korg being stupidly hot, plus we can't give fan artists ideas XD (wait nvm i wanna see this, lets state every idea we got and hope an artist who enjoys making LD/fanart in general sees it lmfao, or someone being me or someone else commissions it lol)

the woods being where it happened could also fit in how someone catches her, maybe people stumble across it and she seduces them to keep them quiet? and one day our characters (who is either straight as a whistle as female or gay as fuck) meets her and snitches to her husband with evidence and she ends up fired? maybe eventually going into sex work or something idk yet. also the nameless comment was intended to be evil since he is :P

also, you used google translate for the word? maybe its director in other places or more commonly director, however where I'm from its principle, or I'm wrong and it is director, I'm never entirely sure of my own knowledge these days.

extra edit to add, maybe instead of snitching after Serena tries to seduce MC, maybe we could stumble onto a recording cause were friends with the security staff? or MC could be Security staff? then we could get a choice to let him know or tell the principle a teacher is screwing around on school grounds? also maybe you could call in some friends to hold him back while you get her off grounds if you tell him so he doesn't do anything he will regret, and the whole "missing" plotline with her could again be the sex work/maybe some kind of mind control future plot thing? also the way he becomes infected is he might be visiting Bernard to set up some leave and a Lycanthropic student could infect him that student being the Alpha and also someone who went missing like a long ass time ago, and you have to choose to make sure causes less destruction, and if you choose Logan the person Bernard would follow would be his friend/staff member who went missing like 2 years ago Caleb, and since the job was being held by random substitutes maybe Caleb could get his job back really fast? also the students could all be inhuman and only a couple be human so Logan still has a distaste for non-human people.

and B!Logan could be started by an event where the school gets raided at night by a rival school that's rich so they pay off people to not tell but Logan tries to tell them off and instead the staff and delinquent students could.... well make what happened before in this happen again.

psssst commision ZoroJ or anyn other bara artist to draw Korg in a business suit.

Yeah in my language it's called director, but literally translating that didn't work :p

Having both Rose and Caleb as different arts and crafts teachers can work!

But man now I want a Lustful Desires spin off hahahah

I'll start saving up

i gotcha, translators online can be.... unreliable at times lol.

ikr? Rose and Caleb also might have class meetups and just do collaborative projects so they could gossip while students work or something lol.

and same, it would be like that demon slayer school thing, but with hot men and Rose being chaotic evil.



That is definitely what those 2 are doing haha, I want more content between them in general..

ah what i was was thinking of was more the attack on titan spin off, not just shorts at the end of an episode :P

wait AOT has a spin off? and the demon slayer things are at the of episodes??? i thought that was its own spin off as well XD apparently im missing a lot lol