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(1 edit)

Thank you for playing! Was busy the last 24 hours before the end of the jam, had a new version where the character wouldn't slip max 1 sec deppending on it's current speed.  Had bigger plans such as the background you mention however had 3 big problems which led to  no time left for the visuals. Thanks also for noticed the music didn't loop. 

This was my first jam and also my first 2d game from scratch which was a lot of fun and to hear other developers feedback like yours is encouraging.  Will keep it all in mind for my next 2 overlapping jams. ✌

EDIT- Wonderful game you made, quite simpel yet so entertaining and bit difficult.

Congrats on your first game jam! Getting a game submitted is a huge accomplishment, especially in your first jam! I watch a lot of devs on YouTube, Vimlark is a great one to watch, he does a lot of game jams - I've learned a lot from him when doing jams. Little tips/tricks that help with work flow etc. Lots of good stuff out there.

Good luck in your next ones!